Senin, 22 November 2010

Sony's mobile phone game

Daftar Hotel - SONY Ericsson Mobile Communications AB together with their parent company, Sony Corp., to develop smart phones (smartphones) with a sliding controller to play video games.

Hotel di Bandung - As quoted from, chief executive of Sony Ericsson Bert Nordberg indicated that his company was working with Sony who experienced developing the PlayStation Portable video game device.

''Where there's smoke, there must be fire. Sony really strong in the gaming market and it is very interesting,''says Nordberg. As the news before, people have started calling it the device with the name Sony PlayStation phone.

However, the phone will likely carry the brand of Sony Ericsson Xperia. The handset also appears to use the Android operating system and video games may be available in the form of application.

Selasa, 28 September 2010

Husband Relax "Come with War"

Daftar Hotel- BECOME an actor's wife, of course, Widi Mulia must be willing, if the husband should be away from him and family for the purposes of filming. This is what happens when Dwi Sasono must shoot LASKAR DREAMERS in Semarang, Yogyakarta and Magelang for 14 days. "It was about 2 weeks, yes, I've not surprised because it had never left for work earlier.

Hotel di Jakarta - But the difference if you go for something that my husband enjoyed, so my husband off to war is not in the strict sense so I was not a problem, 'clear Widi. This is justified by the husband, who claims that this is not the first time he left the family.

In the past when they still have one child, Dwi has ever gone for 2 weeks to Yogyakarta for the shooting. "I can not anything if not no support from his wife. The wife said yes I do, the wife said no yes no," I Dwi, who immediately Widi justified by stating that he was the one who is often more enthusiastic than Dwi own on-bid offer movie.

Then, Widi not ya jealous husband with the fans? "Do not mind feeling bad because it can talk lo. If it is for fans only girl I did not worry me much to let that kiss scene not uncommon that can appreciate a very good job, I was worried there aja. If for Dwi keep themselves and played well already not no doubt, "said a woman this beautiful voice.

Referred to as the type who is not jealous of her husband, Widi also stated that the scripts offered to her husband will be discussed and decided together. This was soon confirmed by Dwi which states, "Widi was always love in a positive outlook to me.

Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

Along with Honda's home village

Daftar Hotel - Ramadan has entered the second week, plans to return to my hometown was already prepared. Honda Motor Manufacturers will prepare a series of activities to accompany the travelers who use motorcycles to be comfortable and safe during the journey.

Hotel di Surabaya - For that PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) to provide 10 trucks and 21 motorcycles bus passengers back and forth in order to improve services for consumers in the activities Mudik Bareng Honda (MBH) in 2010 as a form of Honda's gratitude to its loyal consumers.

In terms of concept, MBH program experienced some changes this year compared with the previous year ie by multiplying the number of trucks motorcycles and organizing Back Together Honda for reverse flow.

"With a concept like this, the travelers are expected to feel safe and comfortable for going home. And I can gather with their relatives back home and back again safely," said Director of Marketing AHM Julius Aslan on the sidelines of the buka puasa with reporters at the Menara Imperium, Jakarta .

7 trucks that Honda expected to be prepared capable of carrying approximately 350 units of motorcycles while their owners will be going home by using 14 buses provided by the company. In addition, Honda will also set up three trucks to transport goods excessive travelers.

As for travelers who still want to go back to my hometown riding motorcycles, Honda will also prepare to escort them by setting forth the four routes from Jakarta to Semarang, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta and Semarang-Yogyakarta.

Not just when to leave, for those wishing to return any AHM will also hold Turn Together with Honda for backflow Semarang-Jakarta route on 18 September.

For this activity, AHM prepare one truck and two buses to transport travelers and bike back to the Capital

However, before the implementation of travel from any point of departure, AHM Ditlantas cooperation with the Police and local police will also provide an explanation to the participants safety riding back and forth on Saturday, September 4, 2010 in Jakarta and Surabaya and Semarang on September 7.

To enliven this event, AHM has also prepared a snack, and the iftar meal, as well as pickup services for motorcycles with problems. In addition to issuing a registration fee of Rp 50,000 travelers will be given a jacket, a map back and forth, petrol vouchers for travel and accident insurance for riders and pillion.

Yummy again, travelers also have the opportunity to win door prize of four Honda motorcycles and other prizes with a total value of about Rp100 million.

AHM also set up 42 points Mudik post consisting of four posts on the exclusive Nagrek, Pamanukan, Tegal and Caruban are open 24 hours, 14 Post Image which also operates 24 hours, and 24 AHASS are open 16 hours standby.

In every post, AHM provides various services for travelers such as takjil motorcyclist free, reflexology massage tools, souvenirs, and checking blood tension.

While specifically for motorcycles that dugunakan forth, Honda provides inspection and tune-up for free Honda motorcycles for travelers, technical consultations with the Honda mechanic, and discounts on spare parts up to 20%.

These posts will start operating on September 7 to 13, "added Istiyani.

Now for the success of this event, Honda will also be holding any Honda motorcycle club members in each region for. directly involved in activities during Ramadhan.

Minggu, 18 Juli 2010

mengenai Arah Kiblat Shalat

Daftar Hotel - Perhitungan astronomi menyebutkan, pada Jumat (16/7), matahari berada tepat di atas Kakbah, sebuah bangunan sebagai kiblat atau arah menghadap umat Islam saat beribadah shalat.

Hotel di Semarang - Menurut Anggota Badan Hisab Rukyat Kementerian Agama RI, Ahmad Izzuddin, posisi deklinasi matahari pada Jumat (16/7), tepat berada di atas lintang bujur Kakbah sehingga bayang-bayang yang terbendung pada jam itu tepat mengarah ke Kakbah. Posisi matahari yang demikian, diputuskan mampu menjadi patokan bahwa bayangan matahari yang jatuh ke bumi merupakan arah kiblat. "Pengukuran paling tepat dilakukan pukul 16.27," katanya.

Sementara itu, di Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah, kiblatnya sudah tepat menghadap Kakbah, sehingga Jumat (16/7) tak perlu dilakukan pengecekan kembali arah kiblat. Pasalnya, setahun sebelum peletakan batu pertama pembangunan, sudah diukur dengan alat teodolite dan global position system (GPS). Kedua alat itu, diklaim paling canggih saat ini dalam mengukur sudut kiblat. "Pengukuran itu dilakukan secara teliti, sehingga tepat 24 derajat 30 menit," katanya.

Dikatakan, pengukuran kiblat MAJT dilakukan secara teliti supaya umat Islam bisa beribadah secara tenang. "Kan lucu kalau masjid terbesar di Jateng, kiblatnya tak tepat," katanya.

Hingga kini, tampaknya masih banyak masjid yang kiblatnya melenceng, bahkan hingga lebih dari 10 derajat. Di Semarang, menurut Ahmad Izzuddin, ada Masjid Alijabah Gunungpati yang kiblatnya melenceng hampir 10 derajat ke arah utara. Selain itu,Masjid Baiturrahman Simpanglima kiblatnya juga melenceng ke utara sebesar 2 derajat.

"Namun, pengukuran yang dilakukan oleh KH Abdul Djalil tahun 1970 lalu ini, sudah bagus. Meski begitu, Februari 2010 telah dikoreksi setelah dilakukan pengukuran ulang," tuturnya.

Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

Jadwal Kereta Api Contoh

Daftar Hotel - After the railroad tracks (KA) break repaired, at 8:15 pm to rail-Surabaya Sidoarjo back to normal. This improvement takes 1.5 hours.

Hotel di Bali - Previously technical officer of PT KA Daops 8 Surabaya replace rail in front of the Giant A. Yani broken and the rail is missing about 20 cm, said Heri Winarno Coordinator of Public Relations of PT KA Daops 8. Friday (06/18), at Surabaya's voice.

The outbreak was suspected due to rail expansion. Heri said, actually crossed the line was safe, but said the driver as it passes over the rail as it did shake. To be safe, finally made improvements that resulted in disruption of train travel schedule.

Upgrading from a train and a commuter Malang Surabaya purpose of his trip was delayed, was finally able to resume his journey. Including upgrading of railway Blitar goals that had stuck in Gubeng Station.

PPA Harahap Kapolsek Waru reported, at 7:30 there are two railway stopped at the station Waru. Upgrading and commuter trains from Surabaya Porong purposes. Because the condition of the rail in front of the Giant A. Yani broken so insecure impassable. The impact many penunpang Upgrading and commuter trains in the station which keleleran Waru nearly one hour.

Rabu, 02 Juni 2010

Kapal Mavi Marmara

Daftar Hotel - Autant que 700 personnes ont participé à un convoi d'aide humanitaire à bord du navire palestiniens, y compris le navire Mavi Marmara, qui était encore en Israël. Un total de 124 militants humanitaires seraient libérés mercredi matin.

Hotel di Hong Kong - Comme indiqué à l'Associated Press, le mercredi 2 Juin 2010, des responsables israéliens, un groupe de bénévoles composé de 124 personnes provenant de plusieurs pays seront immédiatement expulsés.

Ils seront retournés à leurs pays respectifs par la Jordanie. Le plan, l'exonération des prisonniers militant humanitaire aura lieu le mercredi Juin 2 h, heure locale.

Le gouvernement israélien a également affirmé, mardi soir ont commencé à déporter presque tous les militants. Expulsion serait effectuée au cours des deux prochains jours.

Mais environ 50 autres militants se tiendra une enquête approfondie. Jusqu'à 50 personnes, selon le gouvernement israélien, de faire partie des actes de violence commis par des soldats israéliens.

Israël a promis de continuer à essayer d'arrêter les groupes de bénévoles qui effectuent des palestiniens à Gaza le voyage. Le gouvernement israélien a déclaré que le groupe de bénévoles qui ont apporté une arme à feu et d'espèces.

Néanmoins, si 12 citoyens de l'Indonésie (WNI) qui comprend une mise en liberté? Jusqu'à présent il n'y a eu aucune explication du gouvernement israélien.

Selasa, 25 Mei 2010

Contoh Makalah

Tips Hamil - Our image of dinosaurs in general is a huge ancient animal. In fact, dinosaurs have different types and sizes. Similarly with the baby. As the page loaded Lifeslittlemysteries, smallest dinosaur eggs found in only a few centimeters in size. Eggs of the magnitude similar to that of dinosaur eggs Sinosauropteryx types.

Buku Panduan Lengkap Cara Cepat Hamil - As the researchers reported in the Journal of Natural Sciences 'Nature' in 1999, eggs were found in the stomach Sinosauropteryx which have become fossilized. The egg-sized 1.5-inch, or about 4 inches long and 1 inch width or 2.5 inches, smaller than a chicken egg.

In fact, even large dinosaurs have small babies. In 2005, the paper reported the discovery of knowledge embryos with 6-inch long or about 15 centimeters.

Embryos were derived from dinosaurs types Massospondylus - plant-eaters as adults can have a five-meter body.

Meanwhile, Maiasaurus which can be as long adult size school bus, when hatching from eggs only one foot size, or about 30 centimeters.

Similarly, species of Camarasaurus, a meter-sized babies who can grow along the 59 feet or 18 meters when mature.

To achieve maximum height, the prehistoric giants had an amazing growth driver.

Using bone growth data, researchers estimated to reach adult weight of 25 952 kilograms, the baby Apatosaurus species grow more than 14 kilograms per day - equal to modern whales - such as papers published in the journal Nature in 2001.